GESIS Training Courses

Wiss. Koordination

Verena Kunz

Administrative Koordination

Janina Götsche

Interactive Data Analysis with Shiny

Online via Zoom
General Topics:
Course Level:
Software used:
Students: 330 €
Academics: 495 €
Commercial: 990 €
Additional links
Dozierende: Jonas Lieth, Paul Bauer

Referenteninformationen - Jonas Lieth

Referenteninformationen - Paul Bauer


The workshop Interactive Data Analysis with Shiny introduces participants to the basics of creating interactive apps with Shiny in R. Interactive data applications are becoming increasingly popular in academia, media, and companies to visualize, manage, and analyze data. Shiny is a tool for creating such (web) applications using R code. It allows you to create interactive data apps with no knowledge of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. The utilization of interactive applications expands the forms of use of existing data sets and enables users to freely explore the data. The course offers an introduction to reactive programming and the R Shiny package, outlines a workflow for project management, discusses ways of offline and online hosting of Shiny apps, and gives you the opportunity to start your own interactive data analysis project.
Organizational structure of the course
 The best way to learn R's versatile capabilities is to try things out and apply the presented concepts. Therefore, we will have a mixture of lectures and hands-on exercises. More specifically, each topic will be introduced in a lecture by the instructors. Participants will then receive a set of exercises on each topic. The solutions of the exercises will be discussed before the start of the next lecture part.


Participants will find the course useful if:
  • they want to use R to build interactive web applications to analyze and visualize their data.

  • Lernziel

    By the end of the course participants will:
  • understand the basics of reactive programming for interactive data analysis and visualization
  • know what the structure of a Shiny application looks like
  • be comfortable to use R Shiny to build their own interactive applications
  • have learned about ways to launch and disseminate their Shiny app
  • will have built their first own Shiny app

  • Voraussetzungen

    Good working knowledge in R as a programming language including familiarity in the following domains: tidyverse, data type handling, data wrangling, data import, data management, modeling (e.g., linear regression), and data visualization
    Software requirements
    Course participants will need a computer or laptop with R (, RStudio, (, and the R Shiny package ( installed. The programs and the package are free and open source.

